Your AI-powered call assistant

Never miss a client’s call thanks to your AI-powered call assistant. Supporting your business at providing excellent customer service 24/7/365.

Focus on providing excelent in-person service. Leave the phone calls to your new assistant

Request a Demo

Call-Thing is not publicly available yet but we are working on it! If you’d like to learn more about how your business could benefit from a virtual phone assistant, reach out below.


Call-Thing adjusts to your needs. We don’t want you to have to spend a lot of time learning new things.

See for yourself

Have a look at our demo video to see what a guest’s interaction with the Call-Thing looks like

Easy to use

We’ve been working with gastronomy partners since 2021 to make our platform as easy to use as possible, so you can focus on what matters: Your business.

Powered by a fully-fledged reservation system